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RURAL LIVING: The quality of life in rural communities throughout Northwest Missouri is appealing. Price and available land are an easy drive from major metropolitan areas. Enjoy recreational opportunities, especially for hunting and fishing. This is ideal row crop and cattle country. Various types of farm operations available in an area of friendly and cooperative people.
REAL ESTATE: Are you searching for a property as unique as you are? Whether you desire the serenity of rolling hills or the rustic charm of rough, unfinished timber, Greg Clevenger is here to fulfill your specialized wish list. Embrace a wealth of recreational opportunities, including superb hunting and fishing experiences. This area is perfect for row crop and cattle farming, with a variety of farm operations available. Let Greg Clevenger guide you towards finding the perfect property that suits you, no matter where you are in your journey, Greg Clevenger will help you get there.
Our real estate inventory is low. We need listings! Give us a call:
Greg Clevenger, Cell: 816.718.5023 ~ [email protected]